The first time I saw this picture, it really made me laugh. I love a good laugh, don't you?
Today, when I saw this, instead of laughing at cartoon Noah, I sympathized. Poor Noah...trying so hard to keep up with that "energizer bunny" woodpecker.
We've been like that today...zooming here and there, trying to complete tasks and documents and keep up with our adoption paperwork (and our one year old <3) and my perspective is a little different looking at this picture.
The thing is, we've really just begun this journey. There's a long road of paperwork ahead and possibly (wink wink) a speed bump or road block as well. That's life though. There's always something to accomplish, goals to work toward.
In everything we do and go through, we always have a choice. We get to choose our perspective. Isn't that great? We can choose to praise the Lord through it all and feel His presence all around us as we work. We can choose His joy over our concerns.
We can choose our perspective, and we choose gratitude and cheerfulness. We are so glad to have made one more phone call (or five), checked a few more to-dos off the list, and be that much closer to a sweet baby girl on the other side of the world.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22
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